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- #define NAME "ProcessIcon"
- #define REVISION "12"
- #define SDI_ENDCODE
- /* Programmheader
- Name: ProcessIcon
- Author: SDI
- Distribution: PD
- Description: processes .info files
- Compileropts: -
- Linkeropts: -l amiga
- 1.0 01.93.97 : first version
- 1.1 03.03.97 : options KILLSTACKSIZE, KILLDEFTOOL, VIEW
- 1.2 05.03.97 : added SIT and CIT options
- 1.3 29.03.97 : not existing TO produces icon
- 1.4 13.06.97 : lots of changes, renamed from CopyIconImage
- 1.5 14.06.97 : added more data to VIEW option
- 1.6 01.07.97 : fixed problem with DrawerData
- 1.7 09.11.97 : added UNSNAP function
- 1.8 05.02.98 : IMGSRC became REFICON, added CII instead of autocopy
- 1.9 01.09.98 : better VIEW output
- 1.10 08.05.99 : added REMAP option
- 1.11 21.09.99 : KTT removes entry totally
- 1.12 11.10.99 : add SSS option
- */
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/icon.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #define SDI_TO_ANSI
- #include "SDI_ASM_STD_protos.h"
- #include "SDI_defines.h"
- struct Args {
- STRPTR icon;
- STRPTR reficon;
- ULONG view;
- ULONG optimize;
- ULONG unsnap;
- ULONG remap;
- STRPTR setdeftool;
- ULONG * setstacksize;
- STRPTR seticontype;
- ULONG * setbitplanes;
- ULONG * setxpos;
- ULONG * setypos;
- ULONG killdeftool;
- ULONG killtooltypes;
- ULONG killstacksize;
- ULONG killdrawerdata;
- ULONG copydeftool;
- ULONG copyicontype;
- ULONG copytooltypes;
- ULONG copydrawerdata;
- ULONG copyiconimage;
- };
- struct RDArgs* rda = 0;
- struct Library * IconBase = 0;
- ULONG DosVersion = 37;
- struct DiskObject * dobj = 0;
- struct DiskObject * dobjsrc = 0;
- struct DiskObject * dobjdrw = 0;
- STRPTR IconTypeRecog[] =
- {0, "Disk", "Drawer", "Tool", "Project", "Garbage", "Device", "Kick", "AppIcon"};
- static void testgroup(APTR a, ULONG b, ULONG c)
- {
- if((a && (b || c)) || (b && c))
- {
- }
- }
- static void kill(ULONG a, APTR b)
- {
- if(a && *((ULONG *)b))
- *((ULONG *)b) = 0;
- }
- static void set(STRPTR a, APTR b)
- {
- if(a)
- *((STRPTR *)b) = a;
- }
- static void RemapImage(struct Image *im)
- {
- ULONG w, i, j, k, d;
- UWORD *ptr;
- w = (im->Width+15)>>4; /* dive by 16 */
- ptr = im->ImageData;
- if(im->Depth == 1)
- {
- for(i = 0; i < im->Height; ++i)
- {
- for(j = 0; j < w; ++j)
- ptr[i*w + j] ^= 0xFFFF;
- if((k = (w<<4) - im->Width))
- {
- /* clear last unused bits */
- ptr[i*w + j - 1] &= (0xFFFF >> k) << k;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for(i = 0; i < im->Height; ++i)
- {
- for(j = 0; j < w; ++j)
- {
- k = ptr[i*w + j] ^ ptr[(im->Height + i)*w + j];
- for(d = 2; d < im->Depth; ++d)
- k &= (~ptr[(im->Height*d +i)*w + j]);
- ptr[i*w + j] ^= k;
- ptr[(im->Height + i)*w + j] ^= k;
- }
- if((k = (w<<4) - im->Width))
- {
- /* clear last unused bits */
- ptr[i*w + j - 1] &= (0xFFFF >> k) << k;
- ptr[(im->Height + i)*w + j - 1] &= (0xFFFF >> k) << k;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void main(void)
- {
- struct Args args;
- ULONG s;
- memset(&args, 0, sizeof(struct Args));
- if(!(rda = ReadArgs(PARAM, (LONG *) &args, 0)))
- testgroup(args.setdeftool, args.killdeftool, args.copydeftool);
- testgroup(0, args.killtooltypes, args.copytooltypes);
- testgroup(args.seticontype, 0, args.copyicontype);
- testgroup(0, args.killdrawerdata, args.copydrawerdata);
- testgroup(args.setstacksize, args.killstacksize, 0);
- if((args.unsnap && (args.setxpos || args.setypos)) || (!args.reficon &&
- (args.copydeftool || args.copytooltypes || args.copyicontype ||
- args.copydrawerdata || args.copyiconimage)))
- {
- }
- s = strlen(args.icon);
- if(!strncmp(args.icon+s-5, ".info",5))
- args.icon[s-5] = 0;
- if(
- !(IconBase = OpenLibrary("icon.library", 37)) ||
- !(dobj = GetDiskObjectNew(args.icon)) ||
- !(dobjdrw = GetDefDiskObject(WBDRAWER)))
- if(args.view)
- {
- STRPTR *a;
- Printf("Name: %s\n SS: %ld\n IT: %s\n BP: %ld,%ld\n SZ: ",
- args.icon, dobj->do_StackSize, IconTypeRecog[dobj->do_Type],
- ((struct Image *)dobj->do_Gadget.GadgetRender)->Depth,
- (dobj->do_Gadget.SelectRender ?
- ((struct Image *)dobj->do_Gadget.SelectRender)->Depth : 0));
- Printf(dobj->do_CurrentX == NO_ICON_POSITION ? "NOPOS" : "x=%3ld",
- dobj->do_CurrentX);
- Printf(dobj->do_CurrentY == NO_ICON_POSITION ? ", NOPOS" : ", y=%3ld",
- dobj->do_CurrentY);
- Printf(", w=%3ld, h=%3ld\n DT: (%s) %s\n TT: (%s)\n",
- dobj->do_Gadget.Width, dobj->do_Gadget.Height,
- (dobj->do_DefaultTool ? "YES" : "NO"), dobj->do_DefaultTool,
- (dobj->do_ToolTypes ? (*(dobj->do_ToolTypes) ? "YES" :
- "YES - EMPTY") : "NO"));
- if((a = (STRPTR *) dobj->do_ToolTypes))
- while(*a)
- Printf(" %s\n", *(a++));
- }
- if(args.reficon)
- {
- s = strlen(args.reficon);
- if(!strncmp(args.reficon+s-5, ".info",5))
- args.reficon[s-5] = 0;
- if((dobjsrc = GetDiskObjectNew(args.reficon)))
- {
- if(args.copyiconimage)
- {
- if(dobj->do_CurrentX != NO_ICON_POSITION && dobj->do_CurrentY !=
- {
- dobj->do_CurrentX +=
- (dobj->do_Gadget.Width>>1) - (dobjsrc->do_Gadget.Width>>1);
- dobj->do_CurrentY +=
- dobj->do_Gadget.Height - dobjsrc->do_Gadget.Height;
- /* 'down middle position' of gadget should be same after image copy */
- }
- dobj->do_Gadget = dobjsrc->do_Gadget; /* copy gadget structures */
- }
- if(args.copydeftool) dobj->do_DefaultTool = dobjsrc->do_DefaultTool;
- if(args.copytooltypes) dobj->do_ToolTypes = dobjsrc->do_ToolTypes;
- if(args.copyicontype) dobj->do_Type = dobjsrc->do_Type;
- if(args.copydrawerdata) dobj->do_DrawerData = dobjsrc->do_DrawerData;
- }
- else
- }
- if(args.seticontype)
- {
- UBYTE i = 0;
- while(++i <= WBAPPICON && stricmp(IconTypeRecog[i], args.seticontype))
- ;
- if(i <= WBAPPICON)
- dobj->do_Type = i;
- if(dobj->do_Type == WBDISK || dobj->do_Type == WBGARBAGE ||
- dobj->do_Type == WBDRAWER)
- dobj->do_DrawerData = dobjdrw->do_DrawerData;
- }
- if(args.remap)
- {
- RemapImage((struct Image *) dobj->do_Gadget.GadgetRender);
- if(dobj->do_Gadget.SelectRender)
- RemapImage((struct Image *) dobj->do_Gadget.SelectRender);
- }
- if(args.setbitplanes)
- {
- ((struct Image *) dobj->do_Gadget.GadgetRender)->Depth =
- *args.setbitplanes;
- if(dobj->do_Gadget.SelectRender)
- ((struct Image *) dobj->do_Gadget.SelectRender)->Depth =
- *args.setbitplanes;
- }
- if(args.setxpos) dobj->do_CurrentX = *args.setxpos;
- if(args.setypos) dobj->do_CurrentY = *args.setypos;
- if(args.setstacksize) dobj->do_StackSize = *args.setstacksize;
- set(args.setdeftool, &dobj->do_DefaultTool);
- if(args.killdrawerdata)
- {
- dobj->do_DrawerData = dobjdrw->do_DrawerData;
- if(dobj->do_Type != WBDISK && dobj->do_Type != WBGARBAGE &&
- dobj->do_Type != WBDRAWER)
- dobj->do_DrawerData = 0;
- }
- if(args.unsnap) dobj->do_CurrentX = dobj->do_CurrentY = NO_ICON_POSITION;
- kill(args.killtooltypes, &dobj->do_ToolTypes);
- kill(args.killstacksize, &dobj->do_StackSize);
- kill(args.killdeftool, &dobj->do_DefaultTool);
- if(args.optimize)
- {
- if(dobj->do_Type != WBDISK && dobj->do_Type != WBPROJECT)
- dobj->do_DefaultTool = 0;
- if(dobj->do_Type != WBPROJECT && dobj->do_Type != WBTOOL)
- dobj->do_ToolTypes = 0;
- if(dobj->do_Type != WBDISK && dobj->do_Type != WBGARBAGE &&
- dobj->do_Type != WBDRAWER)
- dobj->do_DrawerData = 0;
- if(dobj->do_ToolTypes && !(*dobj->do_ToolTypes))
- dobj->do_ToolTypes = 0;
- }
- End(PutDiskObject(args.icon, dobj) ? RETURN_OK : RETURN_FAIL);
- }
- void end(void)
- {
- if(dobj) FreeDiskObject(dobj);
- if(dobjdrw) FreeDiskObject(dobjdrw);
- if(dobjsrc) FreeDiskObject(dobjsrc);
- if(IconBase) CloseLibrary(IconBase);
- if(rda) FreeArgs(rda);
- }